Computers Made Easy

Book Series

Welcome to the Computers Made Easy Book Series website

Here you will find information about the Made Easy books that cover a variety of computer\technology topics such as Windows, networking, Microsoft Office, Google Apps, computer hardware, smartphones and much more. Each book was written with the user in mind and structured so that readers with any skill level would be able to follow along. Feel free to browse the various book subjects to learn more about what each book has to offer!

Latest Release

You might recall a time when creating documents was a simple task and something you could do without having to be trained in it first! I’m sure you will agree that writing a document on a computer is better than using a typewriter but as technology progresses, even the simple tasks can start to get a bit too complex for some people.


You may also recall when applications such as WordPerfect and Microsoft Word were the only real word processors you could use on your PC. Now there are more apps available to use than you would even care to know about. Plus, more and more of our work is being done “in the cloud” meaning online via your web browser using an online app rather than something you would install on your computer. 


When using Docs, your documents will be saved in your Google Drive online cloud storage account. This makes it easy to access your documents from any device at any time. It also makes it easy to share your documents with others rather than having to email copies of your files back and forth as changes are made.


The goal of this book is to get you up and running with Google Docs so you can easily create documents while having the ability to share them with other people as needed. I will also be showing you how to manage your files and folders in your Google Drive account so you will always be able to find the files and folders you are looking for.