General Computers

These days everyone has a desktop computer, laptop, or at least a device such as a smartphone or a tablet that they use to go online, send emails, watch movies and so on. Technology is a great thing when it works right, but when it doesn’t, then we tend to find ourselves cursing at our computers and complaining about how things are too complicated. So, when it comes to technology, the goal is to find a happy medium between the convenience our computers offer and the stress they can cause when they don’t do what we want them to do.


Desktop and laptop computers have been around for a long time yet there are still many people that are intimidated by them or are simply not using them to their full potential. If you are going to spend hundreds of dollars on something, it would be nice to get your money’s worth!


The goal of this book is to help you find that happy place where you can get the most out of your computer yet deal with the annoyances that can come with owning one. I will cover the basics (in detail) for many topics to better help you understand how things work rather than just telling you to click here or press this key and so on, because knowing how something works makes it much easier to understand rather than just clicking away with your mouse. I will also cover some basic troubleshooting topics to try and help you figure out things on your own without having to call the grandkids for help! From time to time I will also add in a little advanced information in case you are curious and want to take things a step further. This book is based on the Microsoft Windows operating system but if you use a Mac, then most of the content will still apply.

These days everyone has a desktop computer, laptop, or at least a device such as a smartphone or a tablet that they use to go online, send emails, watch movies and so on. Technology is a great thing when it works right, but when it doesn’t, then we tend to find ourselves cursing at our computers and complaining about how things are too complicated. So, when it comes to technology, the goal is to find a happy medium between the convenience our computers offer and the stress they can cause when they don’t do what we want them to do.


Desktop and laptop computers have been around for a long time yet there are still many people that are intimidated by them or are simply not using them to their full potential. If you are going to spend hundreds of dollars on something, it would be nice to get your money’s worth!


The goal of this book is to help you find that happy place where you can get the most out of your computer yet deal with the annoyances that can come with owning one. I will cover the basics (in detail) for many topics to better help you understand how to troubleshoot things when they go wrong rather than just telling you to click here or press this key and so on, because knowing how something works makes it much easier to fix when something goes wrong. I will then give you troubleshooting tips so you can try and diagnose the issue before having to resort to paying someone to do it for you. From time to time I will also add in a little advanced information in case you are curious and want to take things a step further.


So, on that note, let’s get things started and turn you into a computer expert, or at least get you out of the dummy category!